Just as I woke up this morning I realized that I needed something new, something refreshing. Something to write about.
I took a sip of coffee and had brunch, had a late night yesterday and took up the latest book I'm reading. And it all falls on me that reading alone is not enough, I need to start writing out how I feel.
By now I notice that the word 'pretentiously writing' has actually existed for those who has nothing to write but to write anyway to feel cool just to add in another blog. My friend's right, some people never have anything in particularly interesting to write. But she's right at saying that things are playing every now inside her brain, that triggers her to write. I got very upset and excited when that phrase came up, like it brings me back to my uni years where my lecturer gave us something boring for a research. Argghh hate that. And it's also exciting to know what kind of crap people can come up with.
It dawns on me that my 5th chapter is not yet done, I need something refreshing. Something actually mesmerizing to start my halfday. Another resolution..never sleep at 3am tonight.
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